Tuesday, March 3, 2015


What a busy WEEKEND! 

But, what a fun and crazy WEEKEND:) Saturday was my "TOO BE" sister in laws Bridal Shower/Bachelorette party. It was filled with FUN, FLOWERS, FAMILY and FRIENDS... And, let's not forget the Painting....and the Wine.......and the Pickle Dip......... and the Vintage Snowmobile Helmets...............!(lol) We are an interesting group:)

So, how did I do, you ask? Well, let me fill you in. Remember, this change is not to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE things I love from my diet, but to learn to control myself. 

Lets start with Friday, Friday was a great day and an early day for me to work, so I did not workout, but let me tell you I was FEELIN it from the day before! I started my day with a smoothie, 
here is the recipe:

8 OZ pineapple juice
handful of spinach
7 chunks of pineapple
few blackberries
5 strawberries
half a frozen banana
2 TBS hemp seeds
Blend until smooth and enjoy:)

and for lunch

8 oz of water
cup of crushed ice
1 scoop of Juice Plus complete protein dutch chocolate
(except it was chocolate)
TBS of peanut butter
5 strawberries

This smoothie is SOOO good I can't even get enough of it, and it really helps with cravings too.

Friday night I will admit we had leftovers again, the Goulash that I made Thursday night, gave us SO much, were trying ti finish it.

Okay, as for Saturday.... I was kinda NAUGHTY and skipped BREAKFAST, but for good reason. The Bridal Shower was at 10 am and I knew that we would be eating their, so I didn't want to eat right before I got there, and good thing cause we had a YOGURT BAR:)  what a great Idea for a shower! They had everything, plain yogurt, greek yogurt, strawberry yogurt, vanilla yogurt, plus all the toppings, blueberries, strawberries, granola, chocolate chips M&M's. It was AWESOME! My cup consisted of vanilla greek yogurt, granola, strawberries, mini chocolate chips, they were pretty small cups, so it wasn't like we got this huge bowl. And, for the shower I made Crunchy Pretzel Peanut Butter Bars and, OH they were so AMAZING but I cut them small so I had two.

After the party I realized Hmm.... what am I going to do for 5 hours, so I went to town to pick up the last ingredient for my Pickle Dip that I made for the Bachelorette Party, then headed out to Target just to bum around for a bit. This was my Lunch, I didn't have a smoothie cause I didn't have a blender:

Ham and Turkey sandwich with
and lettuce 
Naked Juice, Green Machine

That was perfect, so I headed out to my other Sister In laws, for a little while to whip up my Pickle Dip and visit with her and our Beautiful Niece for awhile,(she slept the whole time in her swing little stinker)

Now, during the party we DRANK, we ATE, and we LAUGHED like crazy. It was a blast. When it came to the Pickle Dip after quite a bit of WINE... NON OF US HAD CONTROL OVER THAT STUFF. So, I was a little NAUGHTY. But, that's OKAY it was one night.

(How cute are we, with our talented paintings!)

Sunday, was a different story... We visited my mom Sunday morning for a little while and she made us breakfast:) It was awesome, after a night of WINE.

But, we had this for dinner:

It was DELICIOUS, and my first time making Roasted Brussel Sprouts, and were they good!
You can find the recipes on Pinterest, here are the links.

Brussel Sprouts

Chicken and Spinach Pasta Bake

That was our CRAZY weekend! I hope that you enjoyed reading about our shenanigans, Have a great day everyone.
Healthy Lifestyle Mama