Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cheers to Healthy Morning's!


Today was an early day for me at work. 

So..typically getting UP and getting READY and getting my son UP and getting him READY is kind of an.... OBSTACLE COURSE!

But, today was different. My Man Friend,( I feel silly calling him my "BOY FRIEND" I am not in High School anymore) our son's AMAZING DADDY, woke him up very playfully, and the sounds of HAPPY GIGGLES are what made my day ALREADY perfect at 7 am. What a GREAT way to wake up, wouldn't you say?

Last night my Man Friend asked me, " I thought that you were going to make me those Breakfast smoothies every morning?" and I said, "Oh, you really liked it, I wasn't quite sure. So you got it first thing in the morning."

After my HAPPY GIGGLES, I got right to it. Creating a Green and Healthy Smoothie for the two of us, it felt kind of nice!

We had the same smoothie I made for Day #1


1 Handful of  spinach 
8 oz of REAL pineapple juice
5-6 large broccoli florets
Half of a frozen banana
Half of a pear cut into inch size cubes
Half a cup of red grapes
Half of a diced avocado (makes for a thick smoothie, very good!)
2 TBS hemp seeds 
and a few ice cubes
Blend until smooth, Drink and enjoy:)

(Please ignore the nail polish, IT'S TIME FOR A MANICURE)

During the time it took to make this smoothie for me and for my man friend, my son pointed and the cup FULL of VEGGIES and asked "Was that Mama"(Pointing to broccoli) and I tell him "well that's broccoli, buddy" and he says"oh yeah, brockobi" and asks for a piece, and EATS IT!!

This thought was rushing through my head... 

WOW! MY CHILD LIKES RAW BROCCOLI! I could have jumped up and down shouting YIPPIE YIPPIE, like we did when he went POTTY on the potty for the first time. Proud MAMA MOMENT right here!

Now let me be honest, today was not the day for working out... It just wasn't in the cards for me this morning. I just didn't give myself ENOUGH TIME, which is something I will continue to work on. Okay, with that said I will make sure to DOUBLE UP on the working out tomorrow morning.

But, honestly I am okay with 3-4 days a week of working out. In the past I have ALWAYS jumped HEAD FIRST into a "DIET" or "WORKOUT" plan, and I always get BURNT OUT WITH IT, so I would quit. And that is not what I am wanting to do here.

The rest of my day went really well too:)

I was having some INSANE sugar cravings and really wanted something CHOCOLATE. So, to help me curve that craving I had an AMAZING SMOOTHIE at work.

8 oz of water
1 Cup of crushed ice
I scoop of Juice Plus Complete Protein (Dutch Chocolate)
(except it was Dutch Chocolate)
1 TBS of Peanut Butter
5 med sized Strawberry's

HOLY SHMOLY, that was freakin AWESOME! Now, if you don't not know much about Juice Plus, they have some awesome products. But, my favorite is there Protein Powders! They are filled with all Healthy things for you, here are the nutrition label's for both the flavors: 

And, here is the link for you if you would like more information.

Now, I said I would share what we had for dinner last night, but dinner did not turn out as good as I hoped, so I am not going to share that recipe. We had a variation of Sweet and Sour Chicken with Brown Rice, and it just wasn't great.

TONIGHT we are having a good ole stand by... Goulash:)

And it's not your typical Goulash, its actually more like a soup, and filled with black beans, corn, tomatoes, hamburger, onion, garlic, carrots. So how ever you make your Goulash, double the VEGGIES, that is what I did. We are also having roasted red potatoes, that I actually made last night, they just didn't get done in time, so they were left over.

I know, I know its not QUINOA and CAULIFLOWER. But, at least I can can get my son to eat most of it!

Enjoy your evening!

Healthy Lifestyle Mama

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