Friday, February 27, 2015

I Workout!

Good Morning everybody!!
(this post is for Feb. 26th)

WOW! As promised from yesterday, I doubled up on the workout's today, and was it fun!(A little frustrating to, but fun non the less)

Today, I DID two workouts from start to finish and LEARNED two, on top of that which is probably harder than just doing the ALREADY learned workout's

Here are the ones that I did here below:
(first two are the one's I know)
Bang Bang by Jessie J

Fancy by Iggy Azalea

(these are the one's that I learned)
Uptown FUNK

(This one took me FOREVER to learn and I still don't got it all down, but was it fun to learn. I LOVE THIS SONG!)

Shake it off Taylor Swift
(This one was easier to learn, and I actually was able to finish and complete the workout.)

Here is the  Smoothie that I made this Morning!

8 oz of Pineapple juice 
Handful of spinach
5-6 medium sized broccoli florets
7 chunks of fresh pineapple
5 medium strawberry's
8 blackberry's
2 T hemp seeds
few ice cubes
Blend until smooth and enjoy:)

8 oz of water
1 Cup of crushed ice
I scoop of Juice Plus Complete Protein (Dutch Chocolate)
(except it was Dutch Chocolate)
1 TBS of Peanut Butter
5 med sized Strawberry's

  • SNACK:
Multigrain Tortilla Chips
Organic Guacamole
(you can find at the store in small packs) 

For dinner we are having LEFTOVERS from the week:)
You gotta have a leftover day!

I am working on getting some BEFORE AND AFTER photos of myself to post here within the next few days. And that my friends is going to make things very REAL for me... But is definitely something that I need to do.

This weekend will be posted on Monday which will make for quite a long post, but will be very interesting. I am putting together a WEEK'S worth of recipes as well as the grocery's needed, I am so excited for this, I am always so unorganized with meal planning so this will be another new change for me.

Just to be completely clear this is not a "REMOVE ALL THE LUXURIES" kind of Lifestyle Change, this is to help me overcome my CRAZY BRAIN, and developing WILL POWER. Cause, like most of us I just don't have any. I want to be able to enjoy ONE cookie, not TWO, or THREE, or FOUR, or FIVE...(we have all been there LOL). Or hang out with my MASSAGE FRIENDS( one in particular, you know who you are:) and enjoy SOME CHEETOS, NOT THE WHOLE BAG!!!!(LOL) I have come to find that Cheetos have a Therapeutic effect on us, which is not GOOD, but sure is FUN.(love you)

That concludes day #3 Y'all,
hope you day was amazing as always, stay tuned for tomorrow!

Health Lifestyle Mama


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